Tuesday 8 January 2013

Oh hi there blog, I almost forgot you exist

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Hello there, if there's anyone at all. Anyway, it's day 8 of 2013 and I figured it's too late to do any sort of in-2012-i'm-thankful-for posts so here's a list (I will never tire of lists) of how 2013 has been: (long story short: it's been great)
  1. I finally have Instagram (and an ipad mini to load it on)!!!! My account is @divinedance and I currently have nine pictures, with four of them already posted above lol. 
  2. That said, the ipad mini is probably the best investment of 2012. (Thank you Jotham xoxo) Because I've subscribed to Newsweek and I can't wait to read it on my ipad!!! One of my resolutions this year is to read more and read widely. I've got novels pretty set (a shelf full of half-read or unread books) so I figured I got to work on newspapers and magazines. I've always loved Newsweek so went they went digital and were available on the ipad, I thought why not? Now, what's next... 
  3. Also, did I mention Russh is free to download on the ipad?!?!?!?!?!??! If I could choose to write for a fashion magazine when we're in Sydney, it would definitely be this. Oh, Surface magazine is free too. 
  4. I've made 10 resolutions for the new year even though I may not be able to accomplish them all, at least I know what I want to achieve. Anyway, of course exercising is top of my list (it is every year) but this year, I can't exactly pinpoint it but I truly feel confident and determined enough to stick with it.
  5. Rowena's wedding at St Regis was beautiful and food was amazing. I was the emcee (last minute thing) and omg, having a wedding is really really tiring. But this girl was all smiles and so happy, it made me so happy for her too. Can't wait to see her chubby baby boy in a couple of months time!
  6. Been spending quite some time with Jotham's cell group. Ok I should be calling my cell group now but it'll take some time to get used to it. Mich Lo is also coming along with me and I'm thankful for this girl who is so tolerating of my nonsense and whining and even stuck with me through church changes. Best friends, indeed. Who will even try raw zucchini soup with me, hehe.
  7. I have missed out so many things, but I will try to blog regularly, even if it's just two sentences, to keep some sort of "record" of my life.
Happy midweek everyone!