Tuesday 29 May 2012


"He tenderly embraces the girl's body, and she is nestled motionless in his arms.

What does this nestling mean?

It means that she is abandoning herself to him; she is settled in his arms and she wants to stay there.

But this abandonment is not an overture! She is nestled in his arms, closed, locked up; her hunched shoulders guard her breasts, her head is turned away from his face and leans on his chest; she is staring into the darkness of his sweater. She is settled in his arms, sealed up so that he hides her in his embrace as in a steel safe."

Milan Kundera, Life is Elsewhere. His man is an artist, I need to collect all his books.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

If Singapore is hot

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Then Sai Yok, Thailand, where I think Jotham's camp is located, must be Mordor.

Monday 21 May 2012

Hi teach me how to tap dance

Recovering from a fever. Body aches aren't helping, especially the hemstrings area. Makes me walk funny. And I've got a weird bruise on my feet. Oh, and I cut my hair collarbone length on Saturday. I like it, it is no longer a lifeless sheet of black strands connected to my head.

Jotham, who's braving the even crazier heat in Thailand with the army, just called. I turn into a needy kitty on the phone with him. Three weeks will pass by soon enough. Also, EX is out! I am beyond excited to see people actually reading them in public! Next Monday can't come soon enough.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

The beginning of Adulthood (?)

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Slightly overpriced but overall delicious lunch at Arbite, Serangoon Gardens. Lots of lovely people birthday boy has been friends with for years, and I'm getting to know them better. Strips of paper with fun facts about the birthday boy (yep, the church bulletin). Carrot cake x Chinese and "Ang Moh" version x 2 birthday songs. Nervous boys climbing onto the reverse bungee. Actually strapping themselves on it and launching off. Laughing our heads off at the video afterwards.

That's how Jotham turned 21.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Sweet little things

I think relationships make people insane. Because I am. I don't know why I torture myself like this. Weren't we made to be free?

Tuesday 8 May 2012

R U Mine?

All I caught of the supposedly bright and round "supermoon" over the weekend (adjust your screen to look at it better). Jotham and I spent a good 5 minutes looking at it from the Helix Bridge before proceeding to take touristy pictures around the area. Had Morton's to advance celebrate his 21st with his parents and he had a massive steak which I'm still amazed that he finished. Major detoxing this week. Friday's his actual birthday but he's not booking out. Life of a soldier.

P.S Title is from Artic Monkey's not-so-new song, R U Mine? Again, I'm about 2 months late. I'm just not good at keeping track. Listen to it here.