Monday 26 September 2011

Not all who wander are lost

After a few mishaps in the afternoon that delayed our meeting time and we couldn't do lunch, Jotham and I finally got to meet. I feel like we haven't been seeing each other much the past week though it's probably not true. I'm just being silly, as usual. Anyway, we went to Pique-nique (is it possible to be together or separate?) to have a ultra late brunch/lunch/early dinner/snacktime at 5pm. And it was about time I brought my camera out because it was seriously growing moldy in its bag. I don't know if it's me, but I think the pictures came out wonky. I should be ashamed to say that these pictures were taken with a DSLR.
The food was okay, nothing too fantastic though. I need to remember to never order eggs benedict ever again. I like it but I can never eat more than 1 egg with that sauce that comes with it. It makes me wanna puke.
I can never keep a straight face whenever Jotham takes my picture. I just have this unexplainable need to do faces and laugh like a crazy hyena and when pictures turn out shitty (and they always do), I will always be like "Why are my pictures so uggggglyyyyyyyyy???!!! You are a lousy photographer." Oh well, sucks to be you HAHAHAHAHA
As I was taking pictures while waiting for the food to come, something struck me. And the conversation when something like this...

Me: *snaps pictures of J*
J: *does weird faces and multiple poses*
Me: *sudden realisation* Omg, you're actually enjoying this, don't you? You like to have picture taken, don't you?
J: - inserts awkward laughters and no answers but basically saying yes -
Me: Vainpot. *facepalms*
O lovely day. It was as if yesterday's post never happened. It did, but I would like to think that I'm dealing with my issues in a calmer and more matured manner than just blindly lashing out at everyone who cares about me. 

Sunday 25 September 2011


It's 6.40 am and I haven't slept a wink. The last time I remember myself not sleeping at all through the night was probably a year ago when I had school work like Web Design or Loc Vid to rush. But tonight, it's different. It's the first. 

I just saw the first glimpse of sunlight through my window. The faint ray glowing brighter with every minute. I wish I could see the sunrise but alas, the sun don't rise from the west. Birds are starting to chirp and I hear buses zooming by. It's so quiet and surreal, I almost feel like crying. But then again, I feel like crying/actually cry at almost everything nowadays. 

I am empty inside. God has once again shown me that I am nothing without Him. Try as hard as I might, I will always come back to God eventually. Crawling, sprawling or running, it doesn't matter. I must go back. Human strength is limited but God's unlimited. Draw near and drink up, drink deep.

It is practically bright outside now. Funny how it only takes a few minutes to lit up the world. My body is tired but my mind is wide awake. I need some sleeping pills.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Rolling Over

I'm still here. Been busy with gym (I still can't get over it, why do I go and willingly get tortured week after week), meeting people (like Xinyee, Junda & Junguan in above picture where we went bowling & watched Final Destination 5) and spending extra lots of time with Jotham. 

Preparing for a job interview later at 5pm. I'm really confused if I want to do this but I'll just pray for the best. God, please turn up :/