Thursday 25 August 2011


Times like this, I wonder what good it is to be stubborn.

Wednesday 24 August 2011


Went shopping today with the goal of buying skincare products but ended up buying this pair of Cheap Monday sunglasses instead. I can't wait to wear it out mahahahahaha

Tomorrow, I'm meeting Xinyee & the boys for bowling and some nom nom. Friday is outing day with Jotham to the museum + Chinatown + brunch, if we're not too poor. Sounds lovely already :) 

So,  job search update. I've been rejected once already by a magazine. But it's ok I'm not particularly keen anyway. But I've been eagerly waiting/hoping/praying with all my heart for _______ to reply to my job application because I really, really, really want to work for them. It would be my (current) dream come true!

Friday 19 August 2011

Little boys & dads


I wonder if my future kid (I only want a boy and a girl, in that order) will look as cool as these little boys. 

The White Rabbit

Finally, I'm a little less lazy to blog about our anniversary dinner at The White Rabbit. It's our first time there and omg, the place is so charming. It used to be a chapel but they turned it into a restaurant. A cool restaurant with high ceilings and tinted windows! 

Only took pictures of 2 dishes because my photography skills suck. And I still refused to use flash. But the food was really, really good. Like the foie gras that Jotham ate and died over and over again haha. Happy 1st, sweetie!


Tuesday 16 August 2011

365 Days

I'm the kind of girl who loves to celebrate all kinds of milestones in life like birthdays (I'm a huge birthday person), festivals and days like this. 

A year ago, this boy asked my parents if it's ok for him to ask me to be his girlfriend before he asked me. It's the cutest and sweetest thing a boy can ever do. I can't believe we've been together for a year now. Sometimes it feels like we've been together forever but at times, it feels like only a couple of months. We fight (literally sometimes) but at the end of the day, I'm safe with you. I don't have to be constantly afraid if you would just dump me after a fight. Or worry that you might just wake up one day and decide your feelings for me has faded. No, our relationship is based on much more.

Today is gonna be an awesome day, just spending one full day with the boy I love. Who should be at my door about now. 

Saturday 13 August 2011

Thursday 11 August 2011

Snippy snap

Forgot where I got this picture from, but I'm contemplating cutting my hair like that!!! Except I believe it'll be stick straight and ugly and I'll probably stay at home and sulk for days afterwards ):

Ok, so I officially ended work at Style:Weddings! It was supposed to be tomorrow but we closed the magazine supplement yesterday (the one I was in charge of) and today my editors are closing the main magazine. So they told me I don't have to come in today because it's mostly admin shit and running around letting the sub-editors see the colourproof. ): I've been interning there for the past 3 months and it's so sad to leave. But anyway, probably meeting them for farewell lunch tmr! Time to scramble to write thank-you cards. 

Today I jolted awake at 9am thinking I was late for work but slumbered back into sleep when I realised that... I AM SCHOOL-LESS AND JOBLESS FROM TODAY ON. Omg, the bleakness that awaits ahead. I'm 19 going on 20 in less than 4 months time (not looking forward, it's depressing to grow up) and I'm not exactly a student nor am I a working adult. This transition phase has got to be one of the toughest man. Oh right, I applied to 3 magazines and only 1 got back to me which I turned down (on editors' advice and I trust them) and the other 2 didn't even reply! Ok, I guess it's time to mass-send my resume to everywhere and hope for a favourable reply. For now, I'll just enjoy my free time like how I'm going to gym for the first time tonight (!!!!!!!! I must be going mad). Totally irrelevant, sorry bye.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Happy Birthday Singapore!

It's National Day today and Singapore turns 46! What's better than a late brunch on this public holiday? Plus, the weather was really good. Jotham says (quote him, not me!) the government/army fire some bullets/stuffs into the sky to disperse the grey clouds so it hardly ever rains during NDP! Not sure how accurate that is, but I'll believe him!

Our initial plan was to go Rider's Cafe @ Sixth Ave but we forgot to make reservations and turns out, the place was really popular and had a 1.5 hrs waiting list ): So we made our way to Dempsey and stumbled upon this lovely place tucked in a corner while looking for a parking lot! Good thing though, they serve brunch till 4.30pm!! (I was insistent that this was a brunch date though it was about 1pm when we actually sat down to eat hahaha)

Our best attempt at food photography below! I had yummy crepe while Jotham ordered the big breakfast. Those cherry tomatoes (in second picture) has got to be the best and sweetest tomatoes I've ever eaten. No joke, they literally burst with flavourful juice in your mouth. As usual, the boy can't resist mussels nor can I resist truffle fries so we had them both as sides!

Then we went home to watch the parade on tv while nomming on pizza which took ages to arrive. Perfect way to spend the (albeit short) holiday!

So thankful that I'm living in this safe, (generally) non-corrupted, peaceful little red dot that's free from natural disasters and has a unique culture that I'm proud to call my own. #thatswhyilovesingapore

P.S You can't tell from the pictures but lipstick of the day: MAC Russian Red. One of my fav lipsticks that I saved to wear on national red/white day! 
P.S.S Notice our red/white outfits? #gosingapore!

Saturday 6 August 2011

The Quiet Riot


Last night after I came back from FOP at Indoor Stadium (which was pretty awesome, btw!), I found a little cute box waiting for me on my table! Grace of The Quiet Riot and Amaline of Fashion Feline (she's cool too, go see) collaborated for a giveaway, I joined and I won! I hardly ever win anything so this came as a surprise. Oh, they're really generous and I got to choose any 2 rings from their webstore!


I had a hard time choosing but eventually I choose Asphyxia Geometry Double Ring and The Wildland Gang Ring Set! I don't usually wear rings though I've a couple of rings in my drawer but I guess this changes everything. Actually I've got my eyes on a couple more stuffs like the Artemis Draped Shoulder Necklace when my pay is in.... Go visit them everyone! And here's a big thank you to Grace and Amalina, you've both made my night :)

Thursday 4 August 2011

Anywhere but here

For now, I'm kinda wishing that I'm away from here ): To be exact, I miss Sydney. The weather's great, the company's great (hey Jotham <3) and pretty much everything was fine and dandy. We could randomly stop at a playground and hop on the swings thus dirtying our pants in the process (see below). Hehe nice ass there. Please don't kill me T.T 

I was challenging myself everyday to dress funky because I kept saying to myself (and Jotham, who was sometimes horrified/disapproving of my choices) "Aiya, nobody recognises me here!" It doesn't help that the weather was about 14 deg C so I could pile on layers and not feel stupid. 

So looking forward to a short getaway and eventually going back there again in 2 years time!








Credits to Zanita

Taking a little break during work to browse the net and stumbled across this wonderful (and colourful) spread photographed by Zanita. I usually visit a number of fashion/food/photography/design blogs randomly throughout the day because they have such pretty pictures and this spread really stood out. The first picture.... Where do I begin? It's perfect. Omg the model's body is perfect, the set/weather's perfect, styling's perfect and makeup's perfect. If only Singapore's weather isn't so extreme, alternating between scorching heat or heavy downpours all the time.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Pink Sheen


Have a few minutes to spare before I head out so uh, I photobooth-ed. I love photobooth in the morning, it makes my skin look flawless even without foundation and I look like I have eyeliner (sort of) on hehe. Lipstick of the day: Sisley Ultra Shining Lipstick in L9. It was from the beauty department which stocks about a zillion beauty products waiting to be taken/given/used. 

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hello August

Credits to

Aimless browsing the web again (what's new) and decided that I really need a pair of black patent loafers like the above. My deputy editor, Jasmine, owns this really cool black patent loafers from Clarks that I really loveeeeee. Maybe someday I'll find a pair that's chic and not too expensive hehe.

Anyway, August is here and I'm going to challenge myself to use one lipstick colour a day, everyday for this month with no repeats. I have waaaaaaay too many lipsticks and too little usage (for some) so I kinda have to even out. Hehe it's so silly but I like. So far I've used my favourite YSL Rouge Pur Pure in Pure Sienna yesterday and Shisedo Perfecting Lipstick in Nuance Rose (which shows up a little purplish on my lips) today. Shooting at St Regis tomorrow morning so I better head off to bed now!